Need a loan secured on your agricultural land or property?

Providing you have a clear business plan, simply apply for one of our loans in the new year. We can help you put your plans into action and build or recover your business in 2022.

Applying for one of our loans is a simple and easy process. We will always ensure your application is dealt with swiftly and efficiently, with a decision made in the quickest time.

UK Agricultural Finance is committed to helping farmers get the finance they need, when they need it. We can provide loans for any credible business application.

Are you a broker who needs a reliable rural lender?

We work with brokers, professional advisers or intermediaries across the UK who feel their clients would benefit from what we offer. Ideal for those with a large agricultural client base, we look for those who can screen loans so they meet our standards.

Just like many other sectors, the farming industry has faced unique challenges over the past year. Mostly recently, many farmers have been struggling to deal with severe supply chain shortages, partly due to a shortage of lorry drivers. According to Farming UK, the pig sector has been particularly hard-hit by this crisis.

Although we’ve had to tighten our criteria, we’ve been providing support to the rural and agricultural sector throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you’re looking for specialists in rural finance, simply contact our team for more details.

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